Scholarship Exam
Our scholarship exam is held each year on a Saturday in May. We invite all incoming Form I students to complete this exam as we use it not only as a means to award scholarships but also to gain some insight into each student’s learning style prior to their joining the school.
We will hold examinations in three subjects, English, Maths and Irish. These examinations are based on standardised testing, and therefore primary school students cannot do any study or preparation for the exams.
We will award four scholarships based on the results of these exams, two for boarders and two for day pupils. Scholarships of €1000 per annum (for six years) are typically awarded.
Our Form I students typically come from more than 35 primary schools, hence the scholarship exam is one of the indicators we use to help ensure our students are placed in mixed ability classes when they take up their places in Villiers.
It is important to note that our school has an open admissions policy and the scholarship exam is not used as a means to exclude any students or to withdraw an offer of a place in Villiers.