Pastoral Care

Villiers is very proud and appreciative of the level of engagement between staff and students in the holistic concept of education, and the strong sense of support that exists for each individual within the education system.

The pastoral care structure at Villiers School ranges from all school staff in a ‘duty of care’ context to specific and defined responsibility among particular groups.

Form Tutors & Year Heads

At junior level, dedication of a Form Tutor ensures continuity of pastoral care while students move through the Junior Cycle. A separate tutorial team is assigned to the care of Transition Year.  Senior students then have designated Tutors and Year Heads who oversee their wellbeing throughout Forms V and VI.

Form Tutors and Year Heads are here to help students. Students support, where required, is generally facilitated directly with form tutors and year heads and students are encouraged to engage directly with them.

Students may also use this ‘Student Sharing Form’ to share any concerns related to the wellbeing of themselves or other students, especially incidents of bullying and/or discrimination.


Form Prefects are senior students, whose role is to help pupils find their place comfortably in the School community. Prefects should be the first port of call for everyday worries or concerns.

Pastoral Support

Other school staff who provide pastoral support in Villiers include:

  • Teaching staff
  • House parents
  • School nurses
  • Special Educational Needs Coordinator
  • EDI Lead Group
  • Resource teachers
  • Guidance Counsellor
  • International Student Coordinator
  • Religious & Spiritual Coordinator